Giving and Receiving from your Soul

Giving and Receiving from your Soul

This time of year is known as the season of giving and receiving. I believe we don’t need a season to do these heart-opening actions and when I focused on my own experiences I realized I was naturally better at giving, and receiving was more of a challenge for...
Gaslighting – The Intuition Killer

Gaslighting – The Intuition Killer

Have you heard of the term gaslighting? Gaslighting is an emotionally abusive strategy with a pattern of manipulative tactics done very gradually to the victim so they don’t realize it’s happening. It’s more common than you may think. The person...
How Bright Will You Let Yourself Shine?

How Bright Will You Let Yourself Shine?

Fear stops us from living. It kills our dreams and prevents us from being who we truly are. Fear paralyzes us. Fear leads to feeling separate and alone. Fear is a big part of our life and much of the world is controlled by it. Fear is often an illusion. Some would say...
Do you Get Signs and Messages?

Do you Get Signs and Messages?

Do you Get Signs and Messages? How do we understand the meanings of messages we receive? Since I’ve been on my spiritual journey and am in tune with my intuition and open to receiving messages I’ve found they come much more often and in various ways. I believe I...
The Re-frame: It’s all in how you choose to look at it!

The Re-frame: It’s all in how you choose to look at it!

Stage 4 in Radical Forgiveness is about re-framing the story. This is where the magic happens. It’s time to be willing to change the way we look at the story in order to transform it. Turning it from a tragic story into one we wanted to experience, from a soul...